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Cardiff - 02920 233 550
Pontypool - 01495 763 425


At Snow White Laundries we understand that the laundry and textile industry can have an impact on the environment. Therefore as a responsible company reducing our carbon footprint to protect the beautiful Welsh countryside and coastline is vital to us.
Over the last ten years we have stepped up our carbon reduction plan and as a fully signed up member to the Climate Change Agreement and in association with the Environment Agency are pleased to say we have exceeded the targets set for us.
We are continuing to do our bit internally, but external ask that you the customer consider the environmental impacts when choosing the right supplier.


You've heard of air-miles, but do you consider linen-miles? If you're using a national supplier, how far are they travelling in their HGV's to deliver your linen? Long distances in fuel greedy HGV's pump tons of carbon into the Welsh air. At Snow White we only use smaller vans, so as a local supplier we travel less miles with greater fuel efficiency and lower emissions.


We offer our customers a choice, and prefer them to take the plastic free option, taking the linen in reusable hamper bags.
For those who require plastic, we have sourced a finer, lighter plastic which directly reduces the consumption by 50%. Therefore in real terms we have reduced our plastic consumption by around 75%.


Investment in water re-use systems have led to a reduction in our water consumption per kg of linen by around 30%.


Is where we have made our biggest reduction. We have utilised a number of modern processing methods, invested in energy efficient equipment, reducing our kilowatts per kg of linen by around 40%.
This makes us one of the most energy efficient suppliers in the region.
As a medium sized supplier in the industry, we provide the perfect balance between energy efficiency and linen miles. If you are using a small local laundrette thus saving linen miles, they are likely much less energy and water efficient therefore have a greater carbon footprint per Kg of linen than us.